Thursday, July 7, 2011

Welcome FHS Honors Comm 9 -- Honors American Studies Students!

Visit this site often to share your views and to respond to your peers' comments! Please feel free to ask questions here regarding any aspects of our summer reading requirements.  We look forward to our journey together!
We hope you’re enjoying your summer in Fairview – this area’s premier season for us! Love the beaches, warm weather, and the freedom to enjoy these glorious days!

Don’t forget your obligation to respond to our blog six times over the summer, reacting to considerations we’ve posted and / or to comments made by your peers. Check the FHS Summer Reading posting for more details and specific requirements!

Mrs. Hurt and Mrs.Nelson


  1. Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to add a few more details to be certain you'll find posting to our blog a simple task!

    If you check the Summer Reading and posting guide, you'll note the following directions:

    "1. Your user name must be identical to your FHS school network login which is 'the last two digits of graduation year last name first initial. Example: 15baldwine (Emily Baldwin).'"

    Since most students don’t have email accounts identifying themselves in this way(!), each student will need to create an account corresponding to the form of Emily's (See above).

    Please create this new email account through Google mail, known as gmail. Opening this account connects you with many Google applications and particularly with Blogger, the communication forum we're using for our online conversations this summer. Additionally, with gmail, you're gaining a very secure email option!

    Once you've created your account (Emily’s would be, you can sign into Google and then to our blog. Choose the post on which you wish to respond; then click on “Comment” listed below the post and begin! Your name will be recognized, and you'll be identified; your comments (and those of your peers) will appear below the corresponding post on the blog. You don't have to choose any identity.

    Additionally, by opening a gmail account, you'll be "welcomed" to participate in the many, MANY free apps. Google offers!

    Finally, by creating this account, you'll also be ready for life at FHS, as many teachers encourage students to use a gmail account for blogging and other Internet activities!

    Enjoy this glorious summer! We’re growing anxious to begin chatting about TRUMPET! Finally, don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Nelson or me if you have ANY questions!


    We hope that everyone enrolled in Honors Communication 9 – Honors American Studies 9 has read the entire Summer Reading Assignment posted on the Fairview School District homepage / Fairview High School / Summer Reading.

    There, everyone should note that an alternate assignment is posted for students who cannot participate in our Book Chats. The announcement states

    WED.AUG.10 NOTE: Work submitted after this date will be downgraded!

    Please use this date, also, as your deadline for completing posts on our blog! We want to be sure everyone has an opportunity to participate in these online discussions as our introduction to you and as a preliminary activity to our Book Chats (scheduled August 10th or August 18th).

    We are so looking forward to chatting with and in person!

    Mrs. Hurt and Mrs. Nelson
